CS2 community reacts as player loses progress in VAC ban wave due to teammate

VAC bans are becoming more and more common in CS2 as Valve's anti-cheat punishes players for cheating. A VAC ban wave that began in late April started removing accounts and reportedly has taken down about 26,000 cheater accounts. However, perhaps the one thing players could not have anticipated was being punished for unknowingly queuing with a cheater.

User Minute_Butterscotch6 on Reddit shared their experience. The player was fined for ratings after playing with another CS2 player who may have cheated afterwards their Premier game.

Some players reminded OP that the situation was the same with CS:GO. This is probably why queuing with players that you know well is advised. One can never tell if they're playing with cheaters and this could cost valuable ratings in CS2.

Another user added that the loss in ratings is justified because a game may have been won thanks to the hacker's performance during the match. This is unfair to others who may have been performing fairly in the same matchup.

Some community members were sorry that the VAC ban affected the player's elo. However, they still wanted OP to be happy about the cheater being punished by VAC. The sentiment is common for many.

Another player shared a similar experience where a teammate they played with got a ban placed on their account. Despite having no hand in the cheating, the Reddit user ended up with their rank being "taken away". This would be an upsetting experience for anyone.

One CS2 community member brought up an interesting point to the whole conversation. They pointed out that perhaps many players purchase a "boosting service" to get their accounts to a higher elo and get help from cheaters to do so. In such a case, a ban is justified and so is the elo reduction.

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